The customer data you collect with Happy Birthday app can be easily exported and then imported into other email sending platforms such as Klaviyo, MailChimp or Omnisend.
This article will guide you through the simple steps required to export your data from the Happy Birthday app.
1. Navigate to the Customers tab within the Happy Birthday app:
2. Click on the Data Import & Export button:
3. You will see an Export section with the figure of your total customer birthdays.
Click the Export customer data button within that section:
4. The export will begin and automatically take you to the Downloads tab:
5. The export should process quickly. However, if you have a large number of birthdays you may see this in Pending status for a short period of time. Once the export has finished you will see the status update to Complete. You now have the option to Download CSV:
6. Once downloaded, you can import this file into another email sending platform like Klaviyo, MailChimp or Omnisend. Below is how the CSV file will look when imported into spreadsheet software:
The columns of the exported CSV are explained below:
email - email address of the birthday club sign-up
birthday - birthdate of the birthday club sign-up
first name - first name of the birthday club sign-up
last name - last name of the birthday club sign-up
capture_date - date that contact was added to your birthday club
unsubscribed - subscriber status of the birthday club sign-up [Yes/No]
this year email sent - date that birthday email was sent for current calendar year
this year email opened - date that birthday email for current calendar year was opened
this year email clicked - date that link in birthday email for current calendar year was clicked
this year email discount code - sign-up's unique discount code for current calendar
this year email discount code used - was discount code for current calendar year used [yes:1/no:0]
Need any help?
If you have any questions about exporting your customer data or need any help, then please do just get in touch.